Lil Blessings Intimidator

"Nicky's" sire and dam are

Ch Karmun's Peacekeeper (Stephen) x Clancy's Abounding Venture (Clancy)

We are excited about the possibilities for this little man in the breed ring! His first shows are behind him, and we're just waiting for our little man to grow up more to take him out again.

Right now he is enjoying his life as an "up and coming big boy" of the house, snuggling on laps, giving kisses, then bouncing off to play with something he finds interesting and can carry (or drag) outside through the doggy door. His joy of living keeps us all laughing. Nicky seems to have the best of all sheltie attributes! Nicky has been placed in a single ladies home in Ft. Wayne, IN and walks to work with her every day. A great companion for her.

"Nicky" at 6 months of age
